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Siren Song
Kathryn Drey

Songs of sweet melodies soothe my senses.
Visions of warmth and love wash over me.
A simple note begins to string between you and I.
The closer we combine,
The more deafening it becomes.
You strike your chords, and try to resist.
Although, the polyphonic rhythm keeps our hearts in beat.
Dizziness overcomes me next,
As the melodious stupor makes me a wreck.
Tripping and stumbling, I see more and more fall from the edge.
One by one.
Yet, your eyes urge me to follow the rest.
Your beauty precedes you as you further coax me in.
Repetitious visions dance in my head.
Enticing and loving, but I ponder why I continue to resist.
As time continues, I notice you change your tune.
No longer as melodious.
Skipping a beat or two.
Nasty apparitions of you start to emerge.
Ripping my limbs asunder and pulverizing my heart into ashes.
Slashing me with your jagged harmony.
The rhythm becomes slow and steady as you take all that I am.
A sinister drumbeat reducing me to nothing more
Than a morsel of a pulse,
Easy to discard with the final note.
That is why you sang that initial chord,
Lured me in with your seductive tones,
Entranced me to want to dance over the edge.
Your beauty was nothing but an illusion,
Of your enticing, yet cunning, siren song.


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