Founding Editors and Alumni

Mary Kate Hynek
Former Editor in Chief
Mary Kate Hynek has graduated. They completed their major in English with a concentration in writing. Mary Kate loves writing “weird fiction” and spending time with their chickens. In the future, Mary Kate plans to publish a collaborative graphic novel that is currently in the works.

Linli Chen
Former Poetry Editor, Arts Editor
Linli Chen has graduated and completed their major in English and concentrating in English literature. Linli likes writing, especially fiction.

Dee Olabi
Former Poetry Editor, Prose Editor, Arts Editor, Consulting Editor
Dee Olabi completed her double major in psychology and English with a concentration in writing. She hopes to pursue her doctorate in psychology. Dee was the president and founder of St. Francis’ art club, “the Desc[ART]es Club,” and was a member of the Duns Scotus honors program. She holds passion for various mediums of art, and is currently working on her own memoir.

Robert Elkins
Former Prose Editor, Consulting Editor
Robert Elkins graduated as a Secondary English Education major at the University of St. Francis. When he isn’t reading and writing, Robert enjoys graphic designing, taking walks, and watching an assortment of videos on YouTube.

Sara Cahill
Former Consulting Editor
Sara Cahill graduated as an English major in English with a concentration in Literature Studies and a minor in Writing. Sara has experience writing for the student-lead newsletter at the University of St. Francis, The Encounter. She has been a part of the prototype design and implementation of Bernie’s Paw Prints, the university’s first digital eco-poetry collection. With poetry and journalistic writing, Sara writes creative nonfiction, which is one of her favorite types of writing.

Shayna Griffith
Former Prose Editor, Layout Editor
Shayna Griffith graduated from St. Francis majoring in Communication and Media Arts with a minor in writing. Shayna has experience editing and managing The Encounter, USF’s student-run magazine. She has the most experience writing non-fiction hard and soft local news for the Joliet, Illinois area. She aspires to achieve a career in investigative journalism.