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Naked Orange
Mars Angulo

This is how you eat an orange.
Make sure you use your hands.

     1. Look for an orange.
One with a thick rind, that's ripe; nothing old, wrinkled, or bruised.

     2. Roll the orange.
Take in the zest as you gently loosen the skin, making it easier to rip apart.

     3. As you would hook into a heart, hold the orange in one hand.
With the other, puncture the skin with the tip of your thumb until you reach pulp.

     4. Make your way under the skin.
Hold it tightly and gently do away with the skin.

     5. Tear off the skin section by section.
Until there's nothing but a naked orange.

Enjoy the fruits of your labor. The fruit of my labor.
As it drips down to a puddle into your cupped hands.

Overflowing! It trickles down your arms, grazing your skin.
Forget the skin that you easily did away with.

Quickly wash your hands of the sorrows sewn.
Leaving behind everything and yet nothing.

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